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Wotnot Naturals AustraliaWotnot Naturals Australia
Q&A with Maz Valcorza from Sadhana Kitchen

Q&A with Maz Valcorza from Sadhana Kitchen

What started you on your health journey?

Yoga was really the catalyst for all of the major shifts that have lead me to this point. Becoming more mindful about my impact on the world and my relationship to self has really opened my eyes to possibilities of health and happiness being real wealth.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learnt along the way?

Perspective is everything. We can't always control the external world, but we can always choose our perspective, reactions and actions.

What’s your typical day on a plate?

Acai bowl & green smoothie for brekky, Bondi Bowl for lunch, some Iced Mylo's and Golden Mylk tonics in between (all from Sadhana Kitchen) and then for dinner I'll cook up some tempeh and veggies or eat out at one of my fav vegan spots, either Gigi's in Newtown or Nalini's in Bondi Junction.

You promote a message of balance when it comes to health, can you tell us about this?

I feel that the most important aspect of health is connecting with our inherent wisdom. Only you know what healthy can truly feel like for you. No one else can know and sense your body like you can. So instead of following fads or searching externally for the answers, go within, learn to listen to the wisdom of your body, mind and spirit and create your own unique culture of health.

What are your non-negotiables when it comes to your health?

Organic, plant-based wholefoods. As much as possible I eat gluten-free and refined sugar free and I also bless my food. In that process I give thanks for the wonder that is this nourishment and also put a whole lot of good vibes and love into whatever I'm ingesting.

What do you feel is the biggest nutrition misconception you encounter out there?

That you can't get protein, calcium or iron on plant-based diet. It's just not true! Kale and Chia seeds for example both have more iron than beef, more calcium than dairy and significant amounts of easily digestible protein. All you have to do is meet my friend Stan, our resident Personal Trainer on our new project Everyday Vegan, no one needs to ask him where he gets his protein from!

What are your tips for staying healthy on the go?

Be prepared, have snacks on you so you don't need to eat low quality foods out of desperation. Some power bars, nuts and fresh fruit is always good to have on you when you're on the go. Also, have a massive and delicious green smoothie in the morning loaded with your favourite superfoods. This will keep you satiated and give you enough energy until your next meal.

Where do you find your inspiration?

Nature, she is our greatest teacher, from a rainbow to the blue of the ocean, to the vastness of the canopy of stars on a clear night, that connection to source always fuels my sense of purpose. Family and friends inspire me every single day. Our Sadhana Kitchen staff blow we away with their talent, passion and commitment to our cause. The co-founder of my latest project Everyday Vegan Daniel Koch also inspires me every day with his unwavering call to service and commitment to the highest quality of work.

Who do you look up to in the health industry, or who mentors you?

I really love the work of Kimberly Snyder, she was one of my main resources when I first went vegan and got into nutrition and health. The guys behind Cowspiracy and What The Health are awesome too, their work is so thorough and accessible. In regards to mentors, our vegan community here in Sydney is very supportive. Fellow vegan business owners all come together, share meals and support one another's projects. In regards to business I've been lucky enough to meet some amazing and highly experienced people across various fields who always give me great advice.

What is your best business tip?

Stay true to who you are. Don't try to be anyone or anything else. Whether it's a product offering or service, if it's authentic then it has a much higher chance of success. Also, your staff are everything, they are an extension of you and are often the touchpoint between your business and your customers. Take care of them and provide them with the best tools to support their growth and development.

What one message do you really wish you could get out there?

Our thoughts, words and actions matter. We can all make decisions that can have meaningful and positive effects on ourselves, other beings and the planet. We can all work towards the happiness and and freedom of all beings and the health of this earth.

Do you have any tips for people looking to live a healthy lifestyle on a budget?

Shop at a co-op, buy staples in bulk when you can and only purchase fresh produce as you need it to prevent waste.


Images courtesy of @mazvalcorza and @sadhanakitchen Instagram accounts.

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